Policy: Payment
Policy: Payment
When you buy an item from us or win an auction, we ask that you kindly make payment within 3 days. If more time is needed to make payment, please contact us using the form on our Home page, via message on ebay, or using the Contact Us tab.
Payments must be made through ebay's designated payment channels. We do not accept payment through any other means (ex. Venmo, CashApp, Zelle, Pay.Me, etc.). This is for our protection and yours: payments made outside of ebay do not qualify for ebay Buyer Protection.
Payments must be made through ebay's designated payment channels. We do not accept payment through any other means (ex. Venmo, CashApp, Zelle, Pay.Me, etc.). This is for our protection and yours: payments made outside of ebay do not qualify for ebay Buyer Protection.